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Service providers

A module can become the provider of some kind of service for other modules running in the same cluster. To ease the service discovery, information about how to reach the service and any other application parameter must be written in the Redis database as explained in the next sections.

srv keys

A module can own one or more srv Redis keys. Each one identifies a service endpoint on a given transport protocol. For instance


The generic key pattern is


Each key must be of type HASH. The hash content depends on the service requirements, typically the host and IP port entries are set.

Raising events

The service provider must raise one or more distinct events whenever the information in its srv keys is changed. The event name and payload must be documented by the service provider. A common convention for the event name is:


The event payload is a JSON-encoded string representing an object. The object contains at least the key, module_uuid and module_id attributes. They are necessary to event listeners to identify the event source and retrieve further information as needed:

    "key": "module/mail1/srv/tcp/imap",
    "module_uuid": "8d257122-0a7f-49c7-a620-08961a68cfa0",
    "module_id": "mail1"

Service discovery

Service consumers can look up a given service name with the agent.list_service_providers() function, or the corresponding list-service-providers base module action.

For instance, to find IMAP servers on node 1:

api-cli run module/mail1/list-service-providers --data '{"service":"imap", "transport":"tcp", "filter":{"node":"1"}}' | jq


    "port": "143",
    "host": "",
    "node": "1",
    "user_domain": "",
    "module_uuid": "8d257122-0a7f-49c7-a620-08961a68cfa0",
    "module_id": "mail1",
    "transport": "tcp",
    "ui_name": null

The input JSON object attributes are:

  • service (mandatory): look up this service name
  • transport (optional): look up records with the given transport, or any transport if the attribute is missing
  • filter: an object where each entry represents an additional filter condition. Only services matching all the given conditions are returned. The actual attributes depend on the record structure: service providers must document which attributes they define. The list-service-providers base implementation in any case, provides at least the following attributes for convenience:
    • module_id copy of HGET module/{id}/environment MODULE_ID
    • module_uuid copy of HGET module/{id}/environment MODULE_UUID
    • ui_name, copy of GET module/{id}/ui_name)
    • transport, copy of transport of the Redis key name

Python code snippet to invoke the agent.list_service_providers() function:

import agent
rdb = agent.redis_connect() # full read-only access on every key
print(agent.list_service_providers(rdb, 'imap', 'tcp'))