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User domains

Users and groups are stored in an LDAP database, served by one account provider module. Multiple modules can work together to serve the same LDAP database as replicas of it. An LDAP database represents an account domain.

A NS8 cluster can host multiple account domains from different implementations. It is possible to configure and connect external LDAP services, too. Supported LDAP schema are

  1. ad - Active Directory
  2. rfc2307

LDAP service discovery

A module can discover the list of available account domains with the agent.ldapproxy Python module. The following command dumps a list of parameters required to connect with an LDAP database on cluster node 1.

runagent python3 -magent.ldapproxy

Returned TCP endpoints are local (host is and do not require TLS. The port number depends on the LDAP domain.

Those ports are held by the Ldapproxy module. It is a L4 proxy that relays the TCP connection to an LDAP backend server, enabling TLS and handling backend failures as needed.

If the LDAP client module runs in a Podman container with a private network, add the following arguments to the podman run command:


Then replace with the special IP address, that is translated by Podman back to the loopback device, on the root network namespace.

Python code example:

from agent.ldapproxy import Ldapproxy
lp = Ldapproxy()
domains = lp.get_domains_list()
domain = lp.get_domain("mydomain")

The module can handle account provider changes by defining an event handler. Create an executable script with path ${AGENT_INSTALL_DIR}/events/account-provider-changed/10handler and run any command from it. For instance:

mycommand && systemctl --user reload mymodule.service

List users and groups

Once LDAP connection parameters are retrieved with the agent.ldapproxy Python package, it is easy to get user and group listings with the agent.ldapclient package.

This is an excerpt from the cluster/list-domain-groups API implementation:

from agent.ldapproxy import Ldapproxy
from agent.ldapclient import Ldapclient

domparams = Ldapproxy().get_domain('mydom.test')
groups = Ldapclient.factory(**domparams).list_groups()

For complete examples see the API implementation of

  • cluster/list-domain-groups
  • cluster/list-domain-users
  • cluster/get-domain-user
  • cluster/get-domain-group